Inspirational Stories From Big Losers


Eleanor's Story
Kerri's Story
Judy's Story (pics)
Holly's Story (pics)
Angie's Story
Pam's Story
Julie's Story (pics)
Mellissa's Story (pics )
Laura's (Gyggles) Story (pics)
Anna's Story
Christina's Story
Sandy's Story
Michelle's Story
Myrna's Story
Eleanor's Story

I have been overweight all my life - in high school I was over 200lbs, and
as I entered my 20s, I gained 100 more. There was no traumatic event that
caused the gain, just years of horrible eating habits & emotional eating
catching up with me.

However, I didn't let being fat interfere with my life - I met a great guy
(now my husband) and got a fantastic job. One day, in the kitchen at work, I
commented to a colleague how great she looked, and she told me she was on
WW. They had been doing an At Work program, and it was about to start up
again. We chatted for a bit, and I commented that I might be interested when
they restarted. On the day it restarted, she casually came by my desk and
said "Are you coming?" and that was the beginning of my journey.

My starting weight was 349.4 - which was very scary. But for some reason, I
knew that I would lose the weight.

It's been two and a half years, I'm a little over halfway now - I've lost
101.8lbs, and have around 80lbs to go. My husband has also lost 100lbs (he
doesn't attend meetings, but we both track points).

The At Work program ended after about 6 months, so I joined WW at a local
center. My leader is fantastic, and I've met some amazing people at my early
morning meetings on Saturdays. I already know, in my heart, that I'm a
lifetime member, I just haven't made it to goal yet ;)

For anyone reading this story - all I can say is that it is possible. You
have it within you to set yourself free, you just have to wake up each day
and do it.


Above is Eleanor's picture before her weight loss, Below is Eleanor at her current weight 08/2003 WAY TO GO!!!
