Inspirational Stories From Big Losers


Eleanor's Story
Kerri's Story
Judy's Story (pics)
Holly's Story (pics)
Angie's Story
Pam's Story
Julie's Story (pics)
Mellissa's Story (pics )
Laura's (Gyggles) Story (pics)
Anna's Story
Christina's Story
Sandy's Story
Michelle's Story
Myrna's Story
Laura's (Gyggles) Story (pics)


My name is Laura, I am 35 and married to Ken. We have 1 son he is 17.
My weight battle began after having our son, before that I was always a thin teenager, but after that I just let the weight creep on, I know some of it was due to medical problems, but I can't blame it all on that so I want to share with you my journey through Weight Watchers. I have joined Weight Watchers several times and each time I just didn't stick with it, though its a very easy program and it's very easy to make a lifestyle change, I just hadn't hit the " I am ready stage " But I did rejoin WW on Dec 29, 2000 and have lost 101 pounds (Dec.8th, 2001 ), but let me tell you when I walked through the doors of weight watchers I went alone and have never weighed that much in my life, I thought there is no way I am ever going to lose my weight, its just too much. I was devistated but knew there was only one way to get my weight off and that was to make the first step, and that is to be On Program, I left that week thinking ok I can do this, came back for my first weigh in and had lost 1 pound I was a little dissappointed in what the scale said and went crying out the door but then thats when I started meeting friends, and one friend she encouraged me that I could make this work for me not to be so hard on myself, so I kept going and working the program,and learned very quickly you must eat to lose, which with any other program its just the opposite so I was a little skeptical, but I had to try, and also joined a gym that week too, I started working out 3 times a week doing water aerobics, and then increased my exercise as time went by, I had more energy and wanting to do more. Exercise in my opinion is a love/hate realtionship, I dont love to work out but I do love the results I get from doing it, which is to lose weight faster and I feel better when I am done and it has helped me to get through the plataues that go with weight loss by changing my exercise routine occasionally. But the most important thing that I can say is to be honest with yourself, eat, journal everything, drink your water, and exercise, I know with all these things, my support from my family, friends, my meetings and leaders is what has helped me get me to where I am today. And remebering that this is not a "diet" its a lifestyle change you can have anything you want to have, just be accountable for it. I was and still am a chocolate fan, have I gave it up, no way, I eat chocolate I just make different choices now then before, we eat out quite a bit too, pizza & beer, or burgers now I order Gardenburgers (well done), but I am accountable for the foods I choose, I am not saying to eat junk the whole way through this, what I am saying is if you want it, have it and Enjoy it, its your life!
When I started out I had to make smaller goals for myself instead of looking at the whole picture, because remember in the beginning I said I thought there would be no way I would lose the weight I needed to, but by making smaller goals has helped me along the way, my first goal was to reach my first 5 pounds, my first bookmark, then my first 10%, this keychain was so important to me, took me a while to get it, but I got it and proudly put it on my keys. The next goal was to lose another 10 pounds, then making it to my 40 and 50 pound mark, I just increased it by 10 pounds as I went and I would reward myself occasionally by buying new smaller clothes and how fun is that, let me tell you LOTS of FUN, and before I knew it I had lost the 50 pounds got my magnet, and then reached 75 pounds and got another magnet, and I could see that I had come this far I could and would get my 100 pound magnet and my certificate. The day I reached my 101 pounds I was so nervous, scared to get my hopes up to reach the 100 mark but I did it plus some and I was very nicely surprised by my dear husband, I walked out of my meeting and there were balloons from my car window, and inside was a card and a little box with a bow on it, he got me diamond earrings for making it that far, he is very proud of me and very supportive and when I got home there sat a beautiful arrangement of flowers from my Mom.
Dont hold onto your old baggage, get rid of it, sure I was scared at first to get rid of my bigger clothes, wondering what if I need them again, then I thought, why give myself an out if I gained weight so I gave them away, what a feeling it was to let them go, and now I have more room in my closet for my new arrivals =)
I have about 15 more pounds to go until I reach goal, and now it seems so close I can reach out and grab it, I work very hard at it though everyday to get there and someday soon I will, I know I will now =)
If I can do Weight Watchers anyone can, you just need to be ready and do it for YOU, no one else!
Stay for your meetings, learn new things, different foods to cook and try out, and meet friends the more support the better.
These are some of my favorite foods to eat:
Pizza, Gardenburgers, Subway Turkey Sandwiches, Potato soup, tacos, WOW Chips, Pirates Booty, Sillouette Ice Cream Sandwichs, Hot Chocolate and Reduced Fat Chocolate chip cookies, apples with Fat free caramel dip.
251.5 - starting weight
150.4 - now before WI tom'w
135 - Goal Weight
Laura =)

